Thursday, 21 April 2011

Research Methods RE: Presenting Data


Bar charts display discrete data and have gaps between the bars
Histograms display continuous data. They are drawn without gaps between the columns
Frequency Polygon is the name of a line drawn through the top points of a histogram in the absence of the bars
Scattergraphs/scattergrams display the data in a correlation study through which a line of best fit representing the correlation coefficient (r) may be drawn

Presenting Qualitative Data

Qualitative analysis involves the analysis of non-numerical data
Qualitative data from observations, surveys, interviews, and content analysis including: speech, books, magazines, videos, TV, films and computer games, as well as reflections and personal experience.

There are two approaches to analysing qualitative data:
  • The first approach focuses on converting qualitative data into quantitative data for analysis. Convert analysis is often used to establish this conversion
  • This approach involves coding qualitative by identifying recurrent words, concepts and themes. By establishing categories and counting the number of times these categories are used in the text.
  • In observational studies you would establish behavioural categories relating to the behaviour being studies.
Presenting Pure Qualitative Analysis:
  • The second approach rejects the conversion of qualitative data into quantitative data and works in the spoken script.
  • The qualitative method is descriptive, dealing with personal data, rich in detail and varied in content. The data would be transcribed in its authentic form probably from a recording. You would organise and categorise the content and detail, by reading to identify recurrent themes, and the re-reading for emerging themes in the text.
  • The emergent themes may include the client's attitudes, opinions, hopes and ambitions. Short medium or long term thinking. Views of self and others. Sources of mental conflict, clarifying and interpreting psychological issues.

1 comment:

  1. Hai…you have posted great article, it really helpful to us.. I will refer this page to my friends; I hope they will like to read.
    Quantitative Data Analysis
