A large number of people being asked questions on a particular topic at a particular moment in time
- Types of questions: Either open or closed questions may be used
- Easy to understand questions
- Being mindful of ethics
- Pilot study before performing the survey proper
- Open or closed questions
- Questions and instructions must be easy to understand
- Keep amount of asked info to a minimum
- Be mindful of ethics
- Carry out a pilot study
- Large samples can be questioned efficiently
- Also efficient as researcher does not need to be present
- Used to collect large amounts of data on the opinions of people as well as what they say they do
- All of the above reduce investigator effects as there is a reduction in the influence of interpersonal factors
- People may not tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth regarding sensitive issues e.g. parenting styles, alcohol consumption.
- The above is an example of social desirability, humans putting themselves in the best possible light
- Distortion of sampling frame, such as people only taking part if they can read or write
- Clarity of questions- people may interpret answers in their own fashion
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